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How to help your local Hogs

There are many ways in which you can help your local Hedgehogs depending on the seasons. Here is a year as a hog:


How you can help


Hedgehogs greatly benefit from food being left out for them all year around, even in the winter as they will occasionally wake up from hibernation to grab a bite to eat! Here are some other ways in which we can help our hogs...


  • Make sure your garden fences have access holes for Hedgehogs to come and go through 

  • Ensure any ponds or water features have a gradual slope or ramp in them so that Hogs can climb out safely

  • Cover all drains/wells with fitted grates

  • Provide a Hedgehog house in a quiet space in the garden and fill with hay/straw or leaves- do not disturb if you get a resident!

  • Create a feeding station for Hedgehogs, fresh water and Hedgehog food- cat food is also fine as long as it is poultry flavoured. Make sure to clean all bowls frequency to reduce the risk of parasite transmission between Hedgehogs.

  • If you are having a bonfire, stack the wood just before you light it and light it from one side so that any resident animals have an escape route



Photo by PTES via Google

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